We grant kindness in the name of Jesus to children in need.

Grant Kindness Today

Today, numerous children are looking for hope & purpose in their time of need.

From facing life-threatening surgery, severe trauma, or unexpected loss, multiple families have seen an unexpected nightmare become a reality.  

Grief is like a jagged hole in the heart. It leaves a scar. With kindness and time, that scar can become less jagged.

- Cid Behnke (Founder)

 There is a serious need to find lasting hope and fulfilling purpose during such a time. And while many people want to help, they don’t know where to start or how to maximize their kindness toward these children. They feel alone in their quest to reach people in need so they can find lasting hope that can only be found in Jesus. 

We know exactly what it is like to be in the throes of grief and tragedy.

Grant’s unexpected and traumatic ending to his life begs us to seek the sovereignty of an Author who is writing all of our stories. And we know that granting kindness can be a way to help others find true, lasting, hope in Jesus Christ. 

Here’s how we Grant Kindness

Every year since Grant’s first birthday we’ve made it our theme to turn the sadness of Grant’s story into joy! We’ve invited countless others into that story so that they can also grant kindness to those in need while bringing them the message of the gospel!! 

For Supporters:


Grant’s life still has purpose, and we hope with your gift, we can Grant Kindness to children in a way they need it most and share they too have purpose.


Know your gift no matter the size, will be multiplied because it will be combined with the gifts of others. It will be strengthened, have a purpose, and share Grant’s story.

Grant Kindness

Our "grant kindness" acts don’t save, but we pray it shines in a way for others to know Jesus, so HE can save

For Recipients:

Check Requirements

Grant Kindness Foundation will accept applications limited to under-seen children who need kindness for specific projects, needs, or limitations. See full list of requirements HERE.


 If interested in applying for a Grant Kindness Act, please fill out this application below and send it to apply@grantkindness.org

Receive Kindness

Click HERE to check out more stories of “Granted Kindness”! Our first Grant Kindness Act(s) will be awarded in December 2024!

Spread the Gospel through GKF

Numerous children could be left starving for hope and purpose as they experience hardship & trauma. But through GKF, we can remember Grant and bring kindness to those in need. Our "grant kindness" acts don’t save, but we pray it shines in a way for others to know Jesus, so HE can save.

Maximize your kindness today!

“But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved— and raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, so that in the coming ages he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God…”

Ephesians 2:4-8